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TOGETHER: The Campaign for 澳门老奇人论坛
The Society of 1910, established in 1992, recognizes alumni and friends who have generously included 澳门老奇人论坛 in their estate plans.
* deceased
Mr. James S. Adams and Mrs. Nancy Witt Adams '84
Ms. Marcia Stephenson Adler BS '75, MS '76
Dr. David L. Albig and Dr. Pegeen Albig
Mr. William L. Allman, Jr. and Mrs. Jennie Teass Allman '67
Ms. Kathy Smith Allman
Mrs. Joanna Gilmore Angle '68
Mrs. Kathryn Applegate '85
Dr. Andrew S. Arbury III
Mr. John W. Arnn* and Mrs. Nancy Arnn*
Dr. H. Pat Artis and Mrs. Nancy E. Artis '73
Ms. Lisa Umberger Arundale '79
Mr. Charles Joseph Ashley '13
Ms. Ann Shockley Athey '64
Mrs. Jayne Katz Ayers '83
Mrs. Peggy Hopkins Ayers '56
Mr. George L. Baker Jr.* and Mrs. Sandra Williams Baker '60*
Mr. Morris N. Baldwin* and Mrs. Marie Baldwin*
Mr. Bryant N. Barden*
Pauline Beard '34*
Mr. Tom Bell '87 and Mrs. Laura Bell BS '82, MS '83
Ms. Brenda Gail Bingham '72*
Mr. John C. Bingham* and Mrs. Jo Ann Bingham
Mr. Robert L. Blake, C.P.A.
Mary Simon Blevins '74*
Mrs. Elizabeth Hodnett Bolka '86
Mr. Kenneth K. Bondurant* and Mrs. Carolee J. Bondurant
Mr. Hix Bondurant* and Mrs. Lil Bondurant*
Mr. Charles P. Brewer Jr.* and Mrs. Mary Kathryn Brewer '49*
Eliza Kelly Bristow '26*
Mr. Derward Brooks, Jr. and Mrs. Susan Devese Brooks '69*
Mr. David A. Burdette* and Mrs. Carol Burdette
Ms. Lucille Young Byrne '53*
Mr. Augie Marshall Campanello '79 *
Dr. Edith H. Carter*
Mrs. Palma Moyer Clark BS '73, MS '77 and Mr. J. Frank Clark
Mr. Jan G. Clarke
Miss Louise Clendenen '60
Thomas E. Coleman*
Ms. Margaret JoAnn Cooper*
Rev. Wilmer Copenhaver and Mrs. Marty McDonald Copenhaver BS '59, MS '68
Dr. H. Douglas Covington* and Mrs. Bea Covington*
Krista Crawford-Mathis, Ph.D. '92
Anna Gray Cronise '53*
Ms. Ruth Marie Cronise '55*
Dr. E. M. Cube and Mrs. Shirley Cube
Mr. R. Bruce Cunningham and Mrs. Bonnie B. Cunningham '80
Mr. Patrick D. Cupp* and Mrs. Sandra C. Cupp Davis
Ms. Charlene Adele Curtis '76
Sue Averil Dalton '33*
The Honorable Ted Dalton* and Mrs. Mary Dalton*
Mr. Don Dame MS '82 and Mrs. Patricia Wheeler Dame '79
Blanche Daniel '19*
Dr. Anne M. Daughtrey '41*
Ms. Ute Davenport '62
Mrs. Marian Osborne DeHart '94
Mr. Adolph Dehn*
Ms. Alice Gay Dennison BS '74, MS '77
Mr. George Everett Dewese* and Mrs. Matsue Yamazaki Dewese*
Ms. Wilma Dotson
Mr. Ray Harris Dovell and Mrs. Mildred Morin Dovell '49*
Mrs. Elma Eloise Dowdy '47*
Mr. Herbert Duff* and Mrs. Marian Miller Duff '49*
Ms. Navetta Breeding Eanes '62
Mrs. Mary J. Eaton*
Mrs. Edith Elliott-Borsom '62*
Mr. Richard Davis Ellis Jr. '86
Mayme M. Epperly '40*
Ms. Norma Johnson Farrell '67
Ms. Peggy Ann Fields '58
Mr. C. Frank Fitzgerald BS '81, MS '83 and Mrs. Hollie Elizabeth Fitzgerald BS '05, MS '13
Ms. Karen Patricia Foley '67*
Miss Sandra Wade Franklin '89
Ms. Virginia Freifelder*
Dr. Herta T. Freitag*
Dr. Fernande A. Gard*
Ms. Cassie Keturah Gardner '28*
Ms. Penelope Gardner '75
Dr. Carol Murphey Garner '79
Ms. Mary Sue Garner '65
Mr. C. Mason Gates '89
Robert S. Gibson*
Marjorie C. Glenn '32*
Justice Arthur Goldberg*
Mr. Walter C. Goodykoontz* and Mrs. Thelma Irene Goodykoontz '33*
Mrs. Sheila Crowley Gosselin '82
Dr. George A. Gray* and Mrs. Ann Gardner Gray*
The Honorable Patrick Graybeal and Mrs. Jill Lobach Graybeal '68
Ms. Kathryn Fritz Gump*
Mr. Andy Gustafson and Mrs. Cari Howlin Gustafson '90
Mr. Thomas Scott Haislip '78 and Mrs. Rebecca Joan Haislip '81
Ms. Susan Foster Hanger '70
Ms. Dorothy Jean Hankinson '72
Grace Mae Harvey '21*
Ms. Effie M. Helms ' 46*
Ms. Cheryl Richardson Hickox '86
Mr. Roger Hill* and Mrs. Bobbie Creasey Hill '44*
Mr. Donald G. Hines
Ms. Lyn Snyder Hoflin '72, MA '74
Mrs. Patricia Arthur Honts '68
Dr. Mildred A. Hopkins
Mr. Robert H. Hovis III and Mrs. Mary Ann Hovis '65 *
Mr. Kory Hummer '91 and Mrs. Mary Hummer '95
Ms. Bonnie Hurlburt '58
Mr. Jerry L. Hutchens BS '75, MS '76 and Mrs. Mary Ingles Hutchens BS '71, MS '77
Mr. Thomas D. Irvin* and Mrs. Frances Umberger Irvin '51*
Ms. Patricia Gwen Jacobs '08
Ms. Mae Jennings '34*
Dr. Edward D. Jervey and Mrs. Thora Jervey*
Mrs. Rebecca Jones Johnson '50
Ms. Ann Elizabeth Jones '52*
Dr. Linda R. Killen*
Ms. Evelyn C. Kimball
Mrs. Beverly Ball King '69
Mr. George King and Mrs. Dorothy Sisson King BS '50, MS '73
Mr. Lester Knight and Mrs. Delores Knight '53*
Mrs. Mozelle Porter Kooy '47*
Mr. Robert Scott LaRose '90
Anita Lee '34*
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Lefko
Ms. Louise Mildred Long '47*
Mr. Kyle T. Love and Mrs. Nancy Morris Love BS '75, MS '76
Mr. Brian Jeffery Mabe and Mrs. Chris Olson Mabe '81
Dr. Allen Mandelstamm and Dr. Marie Mandelstamm*
Ms. Amanda J. Martin
Mr. Peter Michael McCann '07, MS '08 and Mrs. Kelly L. McCann
Dr. Charles W. McClellan
Ms. Geneva Regina McClung '31*
Ruth Inez McConnell '42*
Ms. Lorena Roberts McGarvey '62
Ms. Colin Stuart McIntosh '67
Ms. Catherine Harvey McLean
Frances L. McManaway '35*
Ms. Sandra Elaine McPherson '70*
Dr. Theresa Ann Milon '70, MS '75
Dr. Janet S. Milton
Mr. John R. Montgomery '81 and Mrs. Sharie Montgomery
Mrs. Dorothy Strader Moore '50
Mr. Philip W. Moran and Mrs. Beverly Johnson Moran '69
Mr. Michael Morsberger '87 and Mrs. Marybeth Morsberger '88
Sara King Nash '31*
Mrs. Willie G. Nelson*
Dr. Walter G. Niehaus and Dr. Judy H. Niehaus
Mrs. Nancy Bane Nixon '58
Dr. Johann A. Norstedt
Mr. Philip Logan O'Connor '07 and Mrs. Sara O'Connor
Dr. John W. Overbey* and Mrs. Dorothy Overbey*
Ms. Ruth L. Painter '28*
Mr. Herbert Wesley Parker* and Mrs. Irma May Parker '48*
Ms. Dale Parris MBA '85, MS '11
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Parrish
Dr. Myrtle E. Pleune '31*
Mr. Rich Podurgal and Mrs. Amy B. Podurgal BS '87, MA '89
Mr. Gilbert R. Pompa '84 and Mrs. Lisa K. Pompa '86
Mr. Reginald Powell and Mrs. Shirley Rose Powell '56
Ms. Lynne Dougherty Pratt '81
Ms. Cynthia L. Price '87
Nancy Necessary Pridemore '40*
Mr. Peter D. Pruden* and Mrs. Phyllis Stancil Pruden*
Dr. John Ray and Mrs. Nancy Sullivan Ray '55
Rowena Chris Rea '48*
Ms. Charlene Frances Reeve '66
Mrs. Lois Carter Reynolds '36*
Ms. Harriet Marva Ridgeway '67
Mr. David C. Ridpath and Mrs. Lisa H. Ridpath BBA '91, MBA '99
Mr. Kenneth Riedel* and Mrs. Doris Sult Riedel '57
Mr. Michael Roche' and Mrs. Joan Gunter Roche' '64
Mr. Peter R. W. Roughton Jr. and Mrs. Patricia Langford Roughton '72
Lonza Rush*
Dr. Christine P. Salter*
Annie Laura Sayers '48*
Ms. Evelyn Bracey Scott '48*
Mrs. Virginia Bocock Scott '27 and '56*
Ms. Nancy Morrison Scurlock '52
Dr. James H. Radford and Dr. Carole L. Seyfrit*
Mr. Ronald Gene Shelkey Jr. '86 and Mrs. Aundree Rose Shelkey
Richard G. Sheltman*
Mr. James L. Sink, MS '75 and Mrs. Doris Grey Sink BS '74, MS '77
Dr. George Smith Jr. and Mrs. Mildred Smith
Dr. Martin Francis Smith '75
Mr. H. Vincent Snidow and Mrs. Nancy Joyner Snidow '67
Ms. Sharon Lawler Sobel '93
Dr. Nina Carole Spencer BS '65, MS '67 and Mr. Robert E. Spencer
Dr. Robert D. Spillman
Mrs. Vera Y. Stanley '31 and '50*
Ms. Louise Steele Markland
Mr. Jordan A. Stidham '16, MBA '19
Mr. David Stone and Mrs. Deborah Testerman Stone BS '73, MS '79
Ms. June Ratcliffe Strachan '49*
Dr. Sarah S. Strauss
Dr. Kathleen Hubbard Stuart '57*
Ms. Maryanne Bocock Stump, N.P. '34, '48*
Dr. Marshall Tessnear and Dr. Pamela Tessnear
Pauline McKnight Thomas*
Mr. Raymond H. Thrift and Mrs. Ida Ellen Hedrick Thrift '59
Mr. Thomas L. Tilley* and Mrs. Betty R. Tilley*
Mrs. Frances Hilt Trent '45*
The Honorable James C. Turk* and Mrs. Barbara D. Turk
Mrs. Barbara Bond Waite '46
Ms. Dorothy K. Wall '47*
Ms. Susan Ellen Walters '58
Dr. Marie Louise Waters '54
Dr. James A. Watson
Mr. Keith Weiner and Mrs. Tina McKinney Weiner '72
Mr. Austin W. West and Mrs. Pamala Kay West '78
Mr. Lewis Anthony Wheaton '99 and Mrs. Teri Rena Wheaton '99
Edith Wheeler*
Patricia South White '67
Ms. Katherine Harrup Wilkins BS '69, MS '73
Mr. Melburn S. Williams*
Ms. Ruth W. Williamson*
Mrs. Carol Lauffer Willmes '60
Ms. Sharon Dow Wimmer BS '67, MS '68
Hazel Winesett '38*
Mr. Herbert F. Alber and Ms. Margaret F. Winslow '63
Ms. Peggy Bowman Zirkle*
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